Stuart and Suzanne Berney have owned Deer Park Kennels since August of 1983, where they have provided a safe home away from home for many pets while their owners travel. The kennels are located on 15 acres of tranquil woods, and are able to house dogs of all sizes. Each pet receives his or her individual indoor and outdoor quarters while boarding with us. We look forward to meeting you and your pets and having you become part of our family! |
Hours of Operation
Boarding Hours:
Monday - Saturday
Drop Off:
8 AM - 12 PM or 2 - 4 PM
Pick Up:
8 AM - 12 PM or 2 - 5 PM
If you pick up prior to 10 AM there is no charge for the last day
of boarding, after 10 AM is a full day's boarding charge.
Unless they are being bathed or groomed on the last day.
Drop Off:
8 - 10 AM or 3 - 4 PM
Pick Up:
8 - 10 AM or 3 - 5 PM
If you pick up prior to 10 AM there is no charge for the last day
of boarding, after 10 AM is a full day's boarding charge.
Unless they are being bathed or groomed on the last day.
Grooming Hours:
Monday - Saturday
Drop Off:
8 - 10 AM
All dogs must be in by 10 AM
Pick Up:
Time frame is decided by
groomer at time of drop off
We ask that all dogs be picked
up by 4:30 PM
Phone: 410 655 8330 Fax: 410 655 8388 Email: deerparkkennels@gmail.com